Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Sunday, 2006, April 16

Easter Sunday, 2006

One pointedness. Attention.
I am blessed beyond compare.
I can never be grateful enough.
Awareness of everything, every moment, just as it is happening.
We cannot teach this. We can only help others prepare for it.
In doing so, maybe help ourselves.
The mind is too busy protecting its turf, past, present and future.
The analyzing mind is a friend aiming to protect us.
But it is addicted to its purvey, to its protectiveness,
to its supposed power, and turf.
The undisciplined mind is arrogant and rampant.
The mind is also an enemy, full of itself
full of unnecessary trivialities,
too ready to dally.
(Maybe most of us live with the mind
and heart of a ten year old. . )

Single pointedness, focus, flow and engagement
can only come with practice. But this practice is also
a caging of the tiger which will continue to pace

Words, words, words.
Taking everything apart.
Nothing is perfect.

Yesterday on a warm, beautiful Spring day,
surrounding by birds singing, redbuds blooming, and
water bubbling, lake fountain, a few experienced
meditators once more entered into
the state of focus, flow and engagement.
Slowly, reluctantly, with mind resisting
tooth and nail, we became quiet,
totally still to the Present.
Only the Present.
And when it happened, after a while,
it was awesome for most of us.
A powerfully moving experience
of simple fully time-less presence.

Something powerfully connected
emerges at that instance.
We are connected at once with everything
in the universe, and can only be there
just as it happens.

There is no nostalgia, simply Presence.
O’Donohue has it right
Beauty only visits, never lingers.

We can only set the stage,
learn to ignore the monkey mind,
and return again and again to
this moment.

Time does not exist.
It is a construct upon reality.
There is only past, present and future,
and maybe these too are illusions.
The present, just as it is happening
right! Is all we have.

We are blessed, truly blessed, in that moment,
and not for any thing or any purpose:
simply fully present

Paschal Baute
April 16, 2006

Day of Recollection
Spiritual Growth Network of Kentucky


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